Robot arm module using Python Robotics Toolbox

9 min readAug 31, 2024


It's been a while and I wanted to share a mini project I did with the Python Robotics Toolbox for controlling different robot arms such as the Puma, Panda, kunomaGen3, Fetch arms, and more. It’s a way to move the end effector of a robot arm from an initial pose to a desired pose.
Peter Corke and Jesse Haviland developed the toolbox; the codes below are based on their work. I assume you have set up your environment following the instructions on the official GitHub repo. Once you have installed the necessary dependencies (swift, spatial maths, numpy, and robotics toolbox), you can run the codes below in your preferred environment (I recommend Jupyter Notebook as I did or VScode). See a demo video below

Let's get started…

The first section for our import of the necessary libraries

# numpy provides import array and linear algebra utilities
import numpy as np

# the robotics toolbox provides robotics specific functionality
import roboticstoolbox as rtb

# spatial math provides objects for representing transformations
import spatialmath as sm

# swift is a lightweight browser-based simulator which comes eith the toolbox
from swift import Swift

# the Python math library
import math

# spatialgeometry is a utility package for dealing with geometric objects
import spatialgeometry as sg

# typing utilities
from typing import Tuple

import time

Next is to initialize our class

class hand():

def __init__(self, arm_model, initial_pose, threshold, time_step):
self.arm_model = arm_model #arm model to be loaded
self.initial_pose = initial_pose #initial/start/ready pose of the robot
self.threshold = threshold #threshold for acceptable error for the target pose
self.time_step = time_step # Specify our timestep
self.arrived = False # A variable to specify when to break the loop
self.miu = 2 #set diagonal value for admittance matrix.

The next block of code is for our main function which takes the end effector from its initial pose to the target pose. I have added comments at each step to explain the code.

def run(self, target_pose):

# Make a new environment to visualize the robot arm
env = Swift()
env.launch(realtime=True, browser="notebook")

# adding the end-effector axes to the visualization environment
ee_axes = sg.Axes(0.1)

# adding the target pose axes to the visualization environment
goal_axes = sg.Axes(0.1)

# this section gets the robot model, it is set when initializing the hand class.
# the getattr method is used to feed in the robot model think of the first line like"rtb.models.Panda()"
# This will make more sense when we use the code.
model = getattr(rtb.models, self.arm_model)
arm = model()

initial_pose = getattr(arm, self.initial_pose)
arm.q = initial_pose # Change the robot configuration to the ready/start/initial position

# adding the robot arm to our visualization environment
env.add(arm) #add our robot

# compting the forward kinematics of the end-effector's initial pose
# (using .A to get a numpy array instead of an SE3 object)
X = arm.fkine(arm.q).A

# setting the target pose as a numpy array. The target pose is given as an input to this funtion
Xt = target_pose.A

# Set the initial/current end effector axes to Xt
ee_axes.T = X
# Set the goal axes to Xt
goal_axes.T = Xt

# Step the sim to view the robot in this configuration

# this pauses the visualization for a better experience

# After each step, the block below checks if the arm has arrrived its target pose
# and continues in a loop untill it arrives at the target pose
# the self.arrived variable is set to false by defaulf when initializing the class.
while not self.arrived:

# get the forward kinematics of the current pose after each step
X = arm.fkine(arm.q).A

# update the end effector axis
ee_axes.T = X

# this helps check the difference(error) between the current pose and target pose of the end effector.
# the self.angle_axis functioned will be defined later
E = self.angle_axis(X, Xt) #(Xt - X)

#the arm is set to have arrived its target pose when the difference bet
# calculated above is between an acceptable threshould as earlier defined
self.arrived = True if np.sum(np.abs(E)) < self.threshold else False

# check the number of DoF of the arm
if arm.n == 6:
J = arm.jacob0(arm.q) #for when arm has 6 joints and a transfrom is a square matrix
#calculate the required velocity to get the arm to the target pose
Qd= J.T @ E

# move the arm using the calculated velocity
arm.qd = Qd

J = arm.jacob0(arm.q)
J = np.linalg.pinv(J) # J_inv for when it has less than 6 joints or is a redundant robot with more than 6 joints (singularity)

#calculate the required velocity to get the arm to the target pose
Qd= J @ E

# move the arm using the calculated velocity
arm.qd = Qd

# update the visualization by a timestep defined witht he class

The last thing to define is the error function that calculates the difference between the target and the initial pose.

def angle_axis(self, T: np.ndarray, Td: np.ndarray) -> np.ndarray:
Returns the error vector between T and Td in angle-axis form.

:param T: The current pose
:param Td: The desired pose
:returns e: the error vector between T and Td

# a variable to hold the angle axis error also known as euler vector
e = np.empty(6)

# calculates the the position error by taking the difference between the x,y,z
# axis of the current and target pose of the end effector. Note that T and Td are 4x4 matrices
e[:3] = Td[:3, -1] - T[:3, -1]

# this extracts the rotational par of the transformation matrix of the desired and current pose
# this is followed by a matrix multiplication
R = Td[:3, :3] @ T[:3, :3].T

# the code below is a representaion of
# (r32 - r23)
# li = (r13 - r31)
# (r21 - r12)
li = np.array([R[2, 1] - R[1, 2], R[0, 2] - R[2, 0], R[1, 0] - R[0, 1]])

# If li is a zero vector (or very close to it)
if np.linalg.norm(li) < 1e-6:

# diagonal matrix case
if np.trace(R) > 0:
# (1,1,1) case
a = np.zeros((3,))
a = np.pi / 2 * (np.diag(R) + 1)
# non-diagonal matrix case
ln = np.linalg.norm(li)
a = math.atan2(ln, np.trace(R) - 1) * li / ln

e[3:] = a

# returns an array of 6 values representing the angle axis error
return e

Now putting it all together

# numpy provides import array and linear algebra utilities
import numpy as np

# the robotics toolbox provides robotics specific functionality
import roboticstoolbox as rtb

# spatial math provides objects for representing transformations
import spatialmath as sm

# swift is a lightweight browser-based simulator which comes eith the toolbox
from swift import Swift

# the Python math library
import math

# spatialgeometry is a utility package for dealing with geometric objects
import spatialgeometry as sg

# typing utilities
from typing import Tuple

import time

class hand():

def __init__(self, arm_model, initial_pose, threshold, time_step):
self.arm_model = arm_model #arm model to be loaded
self.initial_pose = initial_pose #initial/start/ready pose of the robot
self.threshold = threshold #threshold for acceptable error for the target pose
self.time_step = time_step # Specify our timestep
self.arrived = False # A variable to specify when to break the loop
self.miu = 1 #set diagonal value for admittance matrix.

def angle_axis(self, T: np.ndarray, Td: np.ndarray) -> np.ndarray:
Returns the error vector between T and Td in angle-axis form.

:param T: The current pose
:param Td: The desired pose
:returns e: the error vector between T and Td

# a variable to hold the angle axis error also known as euler vector
e = np.empty(6)

# calculates the the position error by taking the difference between the x,y,z
# axis of the current and target pose of the end effector. Note that T and Td are 4x4 matrices
e[:3] = Td[:3, -1] - T[:3, -1]

# this extracts the rotational par of the transformation matrix of the desired and current pose
# this is followed by a matrix multiplication
R = Td[:3, :3] @ T[:3, :3].T

# the code below is a representaion of
# (r32 - r23)
# li = (r13 - r31)
# (r21 - r12)
li = np.array([R[2, 1] - R[1, 2], R[0, 2] - R[2, 0], R[1, 0] - R[0, 1]])

# If li is a zero vector (or very close to it)
if np.linalg.norm(li) < 1e-6:

# diagonal matrix case
if np.trace(R) > 0:
# (1,1,1) case
a = np.zeros((3,))
a = np.pi / 2 * (np.diag(R) + 1)
# non-diagonal matrix case
ln = np.linalg.norm(li)
a = math.atan2(ln, np.trace(R) - 1) * li / ln

e[3:] = a

# returns an array of 6 values representing the angle axis error
return e

def run(self, target_pose):

# Make a new environment to visualize the robot arm
env = Swift()
env.launch(realtime=True, browser="notebook")

# adding the end-effector axes to the visualization environment
ee_axes = sg.Axes(0.1)

# adding the target pose axes to the visualization environment
goal_axes = sg.Axes(0.1)

# this section gets the robot model, it is set when initializing the hand class.
# the getattr method is used to feed in the robot model think of the first line like"rtb.models.Panda()"
# This will make more sense when we use the code.
model = getattr(rtb.models, self.arm_model)
arm = model()

initial_pose = getattr(arm, self.initial_pose)
arm.q = initial_pose # Change the robot configuration to the ready/start/initial position

# adding the robot arm to our visualization environment
env.add(arm) #add our robot

# compting the forward kinematics of the end-effector's initial pose
# (using .A to get a numpy array instead of an SE3 object)
X = arm.fkine(arm.q).A

# setting the target pose as a numpy array. The target pose is given as an input to this funtion
Xt = target_pose.A

# Set the initial/current end effector axes to Xt
ee_axes.T = X
# Set the goal axes to Xt
goal_axes.T = Xt

# Step the sim to view the robot in this configuration

# this pauses the visualization for a better experience

# After each step, the block below checks if the arm has arrrived its target pose
# and continues in a loop untill it arrives at the target pose
# the self.arrived variable is set to false by defaulf when initializing the class.
while not self.arrived:

# get the forward kinematics of the current pose after each step
X = arm.fkine(arm.q).A

# update the end effector axis
ee_axes.T = X

# this helps check the difference(error) between the current pose and target pose of the end effector.
# the self.angle_axis functioned will be defined later
E = self.angle_axis(X, Xt) #(Xt - X)

#the arm is set to have arrived its target pose when the difference bet
# calculated above is between an acceptable threshould as earlier defined
self.arrived = True if np.sum(np.abs(E)) < self.threshold else False

# check the number of DoF of the arm
if arm.n == 6:
J = arm.jacob0(arm.q) #for when arm has 6 joints and a transfrom is a square matrix
#calculate the required velocity to get the arm to the target pose
Qd= J.T @ E

# move the arm using the calculated velocity
arm.qd = Qd

J = arm.jacob0(arm.q)
J = np.linalg.pinv(J) # J_inv for when it has less than 6 joints or is a redundant robot with more than 6 joints (singularity)

#calculate the required velocity to get the arm to the target pose
Qd= J @ E

# move the arm using the calculated velocity
arm.qd = Qd

# update the visualization by a timestep defined witht he class

The code block above can be saved into a file named so it can be imported as a module. This makes it usable in other scripts when imported. The block below shows how the module is used, make sure the module and the scripts it's used in are in the same directory.

import arm
import spatialmath as sm
robot= arm.hand('Fetch', "qz", 0.01, 0.05)
# Fetch can be swapped with other robot arms include Panda, KinoveGen3, UR5, UR3
# if 'qz' brings up an error then try 'qr' or you can define a custom ready pose using sm
# qz, and qr are usually predefined poses by the robot models.

# below I used the spatial maths librarty to define a target pose, 0.8, 0.9) * sm.SE3.RPY(0.2, 0.6, 0.5))

If you want to use the script in the same file, use the block below

robot= hand('Fetch', "qz", 0.01, 0.05)  
# Fetch can be swapped with other robot arms include Panda, KinoveGen3, UR5, UR3
# if 'qz' brings up an error then try 'qr' or you can define a custom ready pose using sm
# qz, and qr are usually predefined poses by the robot models.

# below I used the spatial maths librarty to define a target pose, 0.8, 0.9) * sm.SE3.RPY(0.2, 0.6, 0.5))

If tried the codes above and something is not working as it should, feel free to share it in the comment section I’ll try to look into it. Also, feel free to share your thoughts.

